Year after year, an analysis of UPSC previous year question papers reveal the ever increasing demand for CURRENT AFFIARS. The number of questions based on current affairs, both directly and indirectly have increased in the past years. While reading newspapers or the popular current affairs compilations available in the market may provide you with the necessary information, but at the end of the day, it’s the answer to the question asked by UPSC in the exam is what is going to matter for securing a single digit rank.

Please note that, just reading the content from compilations and actually answering the questions are two very different things. Also, it’s very important to make your answers stand out from the answers of the rest. This will require honing the art of writing answers to current affairs questions in a consistent manner, apart from reading the compilations. This is precisely what our Current Affairs Based Test Series aims to do.

Further, writing one test in a week will not lead to REAL improvement in your answer writing skills – your content, presentation etc. To make real, substantial and concrete improvement in answer writing skills, you need to write more frequently. By writing one weekly test, no significant improvement can be made in answer writing – the only practical way to improve is to improve in increments – day in and day out. Only then it is possible for you to make a significant difference in the tests that you write weekly. This is what even the topper do. They know very well that fulfilling the ritual of writing one weekly test is not going to yield great results in terms of quality improvement. They know that muscles are built only by repeated use – every single day.

Keeping this in mind, we have curated the first of its kind Test Series –where in there will be three levels of tests – MICRO, MINI and MACRO (MMM)

Micro – Every day one question is given to students at a stipulated time and they have to answer the question during that time within the time limit. In our Active Mentorship Programme 2022, we experimented with REAL TIME answer writing over virtual sessions on Zoom and it gave us really amazing results. Students found it extremely helpful. Now we do this activity every Saturday without fail and the amount of quality improvements we have seen among aspirants was very steep and unbelievable! Every day the MICRO question will be given to aspirants at a stipulated time and they will be writing the answers to it then and there – to ensure spontaneity and adherence to time limits. The same day, they will get the synopsis for the question asked.

MINI – A question paper comprising of 8 questions to be given every Sunday till . The same day synopsis will be uploaded on the portal for students’ reference. Copies will be evaluated within a week’s time strictly. Further, evaluation will be one on one in real time.

MACRO: A question paper comprising of 15 questions to be given every fortnight (Sunday). The same day synopsis will be uploaded on the portal for students’ reference. Copes will be evaluated within a week’s time strictly. Evaluation will be one on one in real time.


Weekly Review Meeting cum Doubt clearance Session: We understand that during the course of your preparation, you may be flooded with a lot of doubts – silly to serious. We will create a telegram group for the students where they will be pooling up all their doubts during the entire week. On every Saturday, we have a doubt clearance session scheduled, in which previous toppers and our experts will help you clear all your doubts. 

In order to ensure top notch quality and to adhere to the time limits for quality evaluation, we will be taking only 50 students!. This will help us to give individual attention to aspirants and aspirants too can make the most of the Programme.

This test series is strictly for those who religiously follow current affairs every single day. Making the preparation of current affairs a monthly gesture – to be read from a compilation at the end of the month is not a very healthy or right way to prepare! However, if you find it difficult to follow it on a daily basis, read about our ACE – Classroom Module here. This is an intensive module that helps you be thorough with current affairs right from day 1.

Features: MMM Approach: MICRO – MINI – MACRO Approach - We want you to learn and grow Steadily.


  1. MICRO Tests: Daily Practice of 1 question every day (Focus on Incremental growth & Learning) - Current Affairs based Topics
  2. MINI Tests: Every Alternate SUNDAY a test comprising of 8-10 questions - GS Static Syllabus based  
  3. MACRO Tests: Every Alternate SUNDAY a test comprising of15-20 questions - GS Static Syllabus based
  4. Same Day EVALUATION of MICRO Tests Quality Synopsis is provided the same day of Test
  5. Saturday REVIEW Meetings (Performance will be evaluated + Doubts will be Taken )
  6. Active PEER Learning - From their Answers + Through Discussions + Weekly Responsibilities
  7. OPEN CAMERA Tests: Write on the same day along with all your Batch mates

from any part of the Country.

  1. Toppers enrichment session at regular Intervals



Duration: 11 Months in 2 cycles

    1. First Cycle: 8 months from 20 June 2023 to 10 February 2024
    2. Second Cycle: 3 Months from June to September, 2024


Fee: Rs 20,000

Early Bird offer: 20 % discount till 1 July, 2024

Course Orientation: 15th June – Open for all

Course starting from 20th June, 2023

Intake of only 50 students for top notch quality