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Why Us ?

When it comes to UPSC exam preparation, there is absolutely no dearth of guidance and material. But what makes a topper a topper is they focus on quality content. Content relevant to the exam, crisp, complete, holistic is our hallmark

In our past 10 years of experience, we have seen that aspirant community is very heterogeneous – what is difficult for one is easy to the other, what is interesting to one is boring to the other, what is scoring for one is not for the other. This calls for a personalized approach to guidance and handholding which we strongly believe in

Arete is much more than a start-up which concerns itself with providing coaching to civil service aspirants. Arete was started with a higher vision. Every year few hundreds of aspirants become officers and go on to serve the country in various capacities. But we believe there are multiple ways to serve the country. We envision becoming agents of change and using the powerful tool of education to bring about that change in the country.

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